D.I.Y skin care routine - All natural skin products for healthy skin

When it comes to skincare it's pretty difficult to find products which actually suits our skin. Choosing natural remedies over chemical laden products will drastically make difference in your skin condition in the long run. So, when you switch to homemade natural products you will know what are the ingredients which fits your skin conditions and you can make according to your concern. You should always follow the CTM routine to achieve healthy and glowing skin.

The basic skin types are:
     Normal skin: It has good amount of moisture, small pores and even tone.
     Dry skin: It has no proper amount of moisture, fine pores, scaling and itching happens.
     Oily skin: It has an oily T-zone, enlarged pores, acne prone skin.
     Combination skin: It has both oily T-zone and dry skin around face. It may need slightly different care in different areas.
       1. Cleanser:

The first step in every skin care rituals, cleansing thoroughly is vital to maintain the health and vitality of your skin. It keeps the dirt at bay and give you a clean and fresh skin.

     Oatmeal cleanser- It is a great cleanser and retains the moisture on our skin. It has rich anti-oxidant properties and helps undo damage done to your skin by pollution, UV rays and chemicals.

     1 teaspoon of Powdered Oatmeal.
     ½ teaspoon of Water for normal skin or milk for dry skin or curd for oily and combination skin types.

Mix them well and apply it evenly all around the face except eye area. Wash it off after 10 mins.

      2. Toner:

It helps to shrink the pores and cleans all the dirt and oil on the skin. It helps to freshen up the skin and hydrates it as well.

     Green tea toner- It has an abundant source of anti-oxidant properties that help fight damage-causing free radicals in your skin and body. It can help improve your skin's texture, leaving you with a healthy glow.

     Pour some green tea in ice tray overnight.

Suitable for normal and dry skin people. Use it after cleansing the skin. Gently rub the cube all over your skin and leave it on your skin. Can use it daily

     Rosewater and Apple cider vinegar - It helps maintain the skin's pH balance, and also controls excess oil. Due to its antibacterial properties, they also aids in healing acne scars, cuts and wounds. These are natural astringents.

     1 teaspoon of rosewater.
     ½ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar(only if you have oily to combination skin).

Mix them and with a cotton sponge rub it all over face and let it dry naturally. If it's too strong dilute some water to it. Wash it off after 10 mins. Use twice a week. If u can use rosewater alone, you can leave it and also use it daily.

      3. Moisturizer:

A suitable moisturizer can help prevent and treat dry skin. It can protect sensitive skin, improve skin tone and texture, and mask imperfections. As moisturizers hold water in the outermost layer of skin, they also act as a temporary barrier for your skin. It also helps to prevents wrinkles and aging.

     Aloevera - Aloevera doesn't leave a greasy film on your skin. It softens the skin without clogging your pores. It also has anti inflammatory properties to heal wounds.
      Almond oil- It has Vitamin E, which keeps your skin cells healthy, protects your skin from UV radiation damage, and helps your skin look smooth, soft, and free of fine lines. The fatty acids help your skin retain moisture and can heal chapped and irritated skin. Plus, the vitamin A can help reduce acne.

     1 teaspoon of aloevera gel.
     2 to 3 drops of almond oil.

Mix them well to a serum consistency. Apply all over face and neck. Massage and pat gently to get absorbed.

     Rosehip oil- Undernourished skin also tends to secrete excess oil, which can lead to acne, so this oil can prevent the cause. It also helps unclog pores (rosehip oil is non-comedogenic) and prevent pimples. Oily skin is usually lacking in linoleic acid, and since rosehip oil is rich in this fatty acid, it can take care of the issue.

     2 to 3 drops of rosehip oil.

Apply deliberately concentrating on acne and scars and massage and pat gently for few minutes to get absorbed. This is best to use for oily acne prone skin.

Please remember to test it before using these ingredients. You don't need to always rely on products as you can make your own easily and its natural! Remember that this DIY routine alone is not enough to improve your skin but you have to have healthy habits like balanced diet, 7 hours of sleep, exercise regularly etc.,
Be natural and be beautiful!


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